Friday, April 23, 2010

Abby at 7 months

My, how time flies! It took so long to get through 7 months of pregnancy, but the last 7 months with a baby have gone in the blink of an eye! I must say, however, that waiting for something is totally different than the new and exciting things I get to see everyday with Abigail.

Abigail is now 7.5 months old and as exciting as ever! She is getting more mobile each day, which makes me realize that I really need to baby-proof our house. Matthew got her up in crawling position the other day and even though she doesn't know what to do with herself, she loves her new achievement. She also has taken to standing with me holding her hands and taking steps; one in front of the other. Soon enough she'll be zooming around the house!

There are two things right now that are posing as challenges among the every entertaining moment that Abigail is awake: separation and sleep.

Abby is a very happy baby that plays hard and sleeps hard...or is that hardly? She typically takes 3 naps during the day and is awake between 2-3 hours in between. Bedtime has been around 7:30-9pm, depending on the day. However, she is still waking up 2-3 times at night. Since transferring her to our bed, it's been a lot easier on me, but we definitely want to transition her into her own room soon. Naps last 45 minutes to 2 hours, but the longer naps are usually when I'm napping with her. It's going to be a challenge to get her into a "typical" schedule, but I'm a baby-led parent and doubt I could force her to learn anything she isn't ready to do.

On the other note, Abby has learned to exercise her voice to let me and anyone else know when she's too far away from Mommy. She actually would prefer to play if she could sit in my lap, I'm sure. I hear that this is a phase, and I agree, but it can be very difficult to do anything but stare at her when she thinks I'm not paying attention or am too far away (which makes going to the bathroom a sprint!).

I am not a complainer and want to enjoy these moments with Abigail because she is such a sweet and happy baby. We love going for walks and she loves playing with anything any everything.

Oh, I must go now, Abby is crying for me in her exersaucer even though I am only 2 feet away. Such a ham. Gotta love her.